Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Overwhelmed By Kindness

Hello everyone,

Christian here. A healthy, 100% back-to-normal Christian, if I might joyfully add. I feel so much better than yesterday, it's like I am living a totally different life.

I woke up this morning feeling very weak and devoid of energy, and for some reason I began to crave a ice-cold Twix Bar. Anyone that is a food connoisseur knows that the only REAL way to eat a Twix Bar is straight out of the fridge. Luckily, one of the corner shops near my house apparently got the memo that I needed a Twix Bar, and had a couple bars ready for me when I arrived searching for them. Thank you, corner store!

Besides my physical condition, my spiritual condition is one of unending joy.

Today, I visited the Howard Karagheusian Commemorative Corporation to spend time taking in their massive summer school/VBS program they put on for the local children. It's a huge affair; they have over 250 kids and 40 counselors and staff. 

The Karaghuesian Center is a well-known NGO within the Lebanese community and routinely provides aid to those in need, from medical help for Muslims to also providing social services to Armenians. With that being said, the foundation makes an attempt to provide cheaper summer school options to many underprivileged Armenian children within their radius. 

As soon as I showed up at the front gate, I was completely overrun by kids playing all sorts of sports and running around and kids just being incredibly active kids. It was an absolute madhouse, until the leader Koko Aynilian sounded his loudspeaker siren. I have NEVER in my life watched a scene of chaos turn so quickly into a scene of tranquility and order. The kids in Lebanon are so proper, humble, and well-behaved compared to many of the kids in the US. Sorry if that offends you, but it's true. 

The Karaghuesian program is truly something unbelievable and special to witness and be a part of. I was blown away first of all by the decorations for the program. The program takes place in a 3-or-4 story building, and every inch of it was decked out in kid-friendly decorations that were not only fun and humorous to look at but also beautiful to admire. Each and every leader donated his or her time to coming for a few hours each morning two weeks in advance to help decorate and work on VBS-specific projects. The amount of effort and work that went into turning out a polished final product was huge. This reflected each and every leader's hard work ethic and belief in these dear children.

Secondly, I couldn't help but get a little carried away by the sheer amount of activites they offer to the campers. You name it, they are most likely doing it. They have classes for music and song, dancing, kung-fu, gymnastics, and miscellaneous exercise, crafts, classes for religion, Armenian culture, math classes, cooking classes , games, and stories. There is a class for every type of kid! Unbelievable!

Normally, programs like this can cost up to $250. That's a fair price for the amount of work, planning, and traveling the campers do during the entire week at any legitimate program worth it's salt. But, Karaghuesian Center offers summer school for a grand total of $68 to those who attend. It's a radically cheaper price, and when people see and hear this, they can't believe it, just as I couldn't. It's a fantastic introduction for us to step in and say, Yes, we're Christians and this is how we act out the Bible in reality.  

Even better, the program also offers periodic field trips for the students to visit fun places as a group. Koko told me these types of events can run $20 or more per kid, but Karaghuesian does it for only about $7. 

I was stunned.

A full day filled with activites, food, music, dance, and entertainment, and most importantly TRANSPORTATION to and from the center ALL for the price of a sandwich in the US. These kids were living life large. They were in great hands, and I was so happy to see the Karaghuesian program reaching out to kids of all sizes, shapes, and beliefs with the core goal of teaching them a little more about Christ. Every leader I met today is truly dedicated to helping the children understand each part of the lesson, and are dedicated to making one-on-one time the most important and beneficial. 

I know from experience (my mom was a teacher for many years) and from seeing it in person that being shown individual attention will help students learn more and become deeper immersed in the subject matter. Karagheusian apparently knows the "insider secrets". I would stroll by classrooms where I would hear scores of kids belting out patriotic Armenian songs about the motherland, or classrooms where math was happening and where teachers were going from table to table to address each students' individual issues and praise or correct them whenever the situation called for it. 

I want to ask for prayer for the Karaghuesian Foundation, that it will continue to provide and be a valuable resource to the kids and residents of the Lebanese community and that it will continue to grow and blossom into a wonderful creation of God's to be used to further His kingdom. 

Read on, my friends.

Love, Christian (Day 5)


  1. I had a Twix bar straight out of the fridge yesterday too! Awesome post Christian, glad you're feeling better. -Candice

    1. Thanks Candice! We miss you, and thank God someone else eats twix straight out of the fridge too
